We're so excited that customers can now experience KINIS from their brand-new popup at Short Pump Town Center!
"I am thrilled to introduce the Nomad 804 barefoot footwear to RVA folks, having a pop-up store at Short Pump Town center allows me to share my barefoot journey and why it is important for us to getting back to basics for healthier feet and bodies. We're also planning to utilize the space as a community fitness center where customers will have the opportunity to take fitness classes with local personal trainers for free.
I started Kinis because of my personal foot injury, leading me to connect with my early childhood living in the refugee camp playing soccer barefoot. I wanted to connect to my pass by having s stronger feet by going back to basics." -Vincent Vu, founder of KINIS Barefoot

We partnered with Here's what Juan had to say about the project:
"We got 360 footage and audio from familiar locations in Richmond like Belle Isle and Byrd Park. We placed mats with different textures like grass and pebbles in the store, so when people put on the VR headset and KINIS shoes, they'll experience these places as if they were there. I partnered with Miles Hopkins, who used his ambisonic microphone to record in 360"
I met Juan at the VCU Advertising Program's portfolio review this past May. I'm so glad I went! If you'd like to get on the list for the next, email Scott Sherman at sfsherman@vcu.edu. They have them twice a year.

Here's a peek inside the pop-up store. You can see it in-person now through the end of the year. Photos by JAWFOX PHOTOGRAPHY

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